The Tech industry extensively covers the issue of women's underrepresentation. We observe the value women bring to tech and the necessity for industry-wide diversification. Our first-hand experience, from staffing tech-based positions to showing innovative solutions for the Tech gender gap, reinforces this. However, some still fail to recognize the irreplaceable benefits of having women in Tech, fueled by negative accounts from women in Silicon Valley and the diversity controversy at Google.

Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/woman-using-macbook-pro-7PHq2BCa7dM
Women in Senior Management Roles
The tech industry, predominantly male-centric, lacks sufficient female role models for women looking to find inspiration. Prominent figures like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates dominate the forefront of transformational progress.
Presently, only 29% of senior management positions globally are held by women. Although there has been a slight increase of 2.8% in women's representation on boards worldwide since 2019, the figures remain disappointingly low.
Reluctance to implement organizational changes hinders progress and keeps many stagnant. To move in the right direction, organizations must challenge the status quo and take proactive steps to increase women's presence in leadership roles.
Reasons to Hire a Woman in Technology
#1 Power of Women Leadership
Today's fast-paced and volatile world demands innovation and adaptability for survival. International Data Corporation estimates that global spending on digital transformation will reach$3.4 trillion by 2026. However, enterprises must not only invest money but also focus on effectively executing these transformations. According to a study by Boston Consulting Group in 2020, 70% of digital transformations fail to achieve their objectives.
#2 Coherent Communication Skills
Excellent communication skills are undeniably vital for women. According to a study conducted by the Harvard Business Review, appointing women to C-suite roles resulted in a 10 percent increase in terms of suggesting openness to change. Women leaders can utilize this ability to foster meaningful conversations with employers, co-workers, and partners, thereby establishing clear communication channels within the organization.
To improve communication, both the woman’s contribution and the application of the latest tech trends are important. A good example is online fax. To start using fax, just click here and install the application. Using a fax app makes using a fax much easier than using a fax machine. This is just one example, but it clearly shows how technology improves communication.
#3 Control Household Spending
Catalyst's survey reveals that women in the U.S. hold control over approximately73 percent of household spending. B2C businesses may struggle to effectively market to this specific audience when there is a lack of women in corporate or tech roles. As IoT devices infiltrate American homes, the purchasing decisions and preferences of this consumer base could significantly influence the future success of Tech-driven companies.
#4 Lead to Increased Revenue
A study published in a working paper by the Peterson Institute for International Economics examined 22,000 firms worldwide. The researchers discovered a positive correlation between gender diversity and profitability in companies.
The survey demonstrated that firms that transitioned from having no female leaders to having a 30 percent female representation experienced a one percent increase in net margin. This increase translated to a 15 percent boost in profitability for a typical firm.
What makes this finding intriguing is that these female leaders performed equally well compared to their male counterparts. Rather than being more competent, increased gender diversity at the corporate level resulted in benefits such as a wider range of skills in upper management and reduced gender bias throughout the organization. Consequently, this led to improved recruitment of top talent.
#5 Tech Drive Innovation
The marketplace for female-oriented products currently lacks tech-driven innovation desperately. These products, specifically for women such as menstruation products and ovulation tracking tools/apps, as well as products typically purchased by women, are in dire need of a technological revolution.
The absence of innovation in this space could be attributed to the overwhelming presence of male-dominated corporate leadership in the tech industry. People are often disinclined to venture into sub-industries that don't directly relate to them.
Nevertheless, this industry holds immense potential for profit and success. Tech-driven businesses led by women, or those with more women in corporate positions, are well-positioned to capitalize on these untapped opportunities.
#6 Enables Bridging The Gender Pay Parity
On average, women earn only 82 cents for every dollar earned by men. Even though both genders start from the same point, men usually receive quicker access to better opportunities, resulting in higher-paying jobs. Promoting more women in leadership positions can effectively contribute to closing the gender pay gap and achieving broader objectives.
#7 Capability for Rapid Change
The Pew Research Center Social and Demographic Trends survey evaluated 2,250 adult women and found that they excelled or were in couples with men in seven out of the eight primary leadership traits examined. This can be attributed to their ability to adapt swiftly to changing circumstances and their dedication to resolving real-life work challenges.
Closing the gender gap in the technology workforce, eliminating gender stigmas, and driving innovation in the technology sector are all integral aspects of being a woman in tech. Despite facing numerous obstacles, many women are already thriving in the field of tech, and their progressive employers are reaping the benefits. It is high time that all companies acknowledged the tangible advantages that come from prioritizing the recruitment of qualified women in tech.