Session: I’ve been a developer, a manager, and now a COO. This is what I’ve learned.
Not many people had the opportunity to go through so many roles in one organisation. I want to share the lessons I’ve gathered after my transition from a tech role - Ruby on Rails developer, to a manager and then to COO. I’d like to highlight what each role has taught me and what the important differences between being a developer and a manager are. I’d like to touch base in specific topics such as:
- Overcoming the obstacles of being the only female developer in the room
- Key differences between these roles
- The mindset needed in development and in management
- Why IT needs us [women]
When I was little, my dad brought a computer home. Since then, I’ve loved doing some basic web development and IT became an obvious path for me to take. After studying informatics at the University of Wroclaw, I’ve gathered more than 9 years of experience in IT, thanks to my roles as a Ruby on Rails developer, then a manager and finally raised to COO at Monterail.
I’ve been an active participant in the Girls in IT initiative, I’m part of the Strong Leader in IT report, and took part in an interview for SoDa in the series Woman Can Do It (links below).
I like how the internet and apps have an influence on the daily life of people, and most importantly, I like being a part of that, and a part of big systems. I love the feeling of creating something meaningful, that will have an impact and help others. Plus, you know, computers are fun.
(Links: ,ś-cd4fabf45827 )