Leadership Advice:5 Steps to Follow for Lifelong Success by Anwen Robinson by Romana Sustar Anwen Robinson

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Meet Anan: From Tracer to Senior Vice President

Allow me to introduce Anan, a Senior Vice President and Managing Director at Info. Anan has trodden an uncommon path throughout the years, sharing her fascinating wisdom on her journey.

An Unconventional Journey

Anan began her journey, unsurprisingly, in her childhood. Hailing from South Wales Valley, UK, she demonstrated a notable bend towards the arts early on. A working-class background and a school-leaving age of 16 pushed Anan into the workforce. Her first job was as a tracer on the drawing board at a local council's architects department.

Recognizing the need for qualifications to progress, she embarked on a day-release mechanical engineering course. Her academic journey opened up a new world to her, offering her the opportunity to understand the relevance of education. This newfound insight led her to a five-year mechanical engineering degree course at a local university.

Grounding in Engineering and Teaching

Upon successful completion of her degree, Anan decided on a bold move - to give back through teaching. Armed with a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, she found herself teaching maths and then-new subject, computer science, in a secondary school. After 8.5 successful years as Head of Department for Computer Science, Anan decided it was time for a change.

Embracing the Software World

Driven into a tough spot by personal circumstances, Anan left teaching and joined a software company, marking her entry into the world of software. In her near-decade long journey with the company, she played a significant role in launching and selling a new software product and taking it to becoming the leading solution for project costing-billing for engineering companies in the UK.

However, after hitting her first glass ceiling, Anan reaffirmed her self-worth and boldly made the choice to explore new opportunities.

Expanding Experience and Stepping Up Roles

She joined globally-recognized companies such as Cognos and Hyperion, gaining valuable international experience and knowledge in data analytics. This led her to Aggressor Limited, a small company based in Bristol, UK. Over 18.5 years, she evolved from a sales role into the company's Managing Director, contributing significantly to its growth.

Leading A Global Organization

After the acquisition of her organization by Unit4 Business Software, Anan stepped into the role of Managing Director of the UK division of this global company. This new leadership role presented its own set of challenges and learnings, prompting her to prioritize establishing a strong support network and recruiting a team with complementary skill sets.

Moving Forward with Info

Fast forward to today, Anan is now a senior leader at Info. She emphasizes the importance of clarity in strategy and frequent communication in the journey to success.

Insights and Lessons from Anan

  1. Stay curious and be a lifelong learner.
  2. Forget the past, forget the future, focus on now and what you can change.
  3. Control the voice in your head, learn from mistakes and dare to try new things.
  4. Be brave in knowing your worth and don’t settle for less.
  5. Build a strong network, learn from great mentors.

Anan’s journey from a tracer to a Senior Vice President is indeed inspiring and tells us that with perseverance, dedication, and the right attitude, anyone can reach their goals and more.

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