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Swapnil Singh

Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Transformative Power of AI and ML In Education

The advancements in AI(Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) like generative AI, have brought greater awareness of the transformative power of these tools. From predicting enrollments, extracting data out of videos or images or documents, to providing personalized learning paths, AL ML can support both educators and learners to enhance their experience and make their jobs easier. In this talk, we will review the areas where educational institutions are using AI ML and how to take the next steps in this journey.

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Joanna Smith-Griffin

Founder/CEO at AllHere

From Teacher to Tech: Using AI to Reduce Chronic School Absences

Learn how AI can be applied in a simple text format by schools to engage with parents about student absenteeism, transportation issues and much more. This is starting to revolutionize how administrators can better communicate with parents on a timely basis and encourage much faster correspondence than what has been historically.

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Jennifer Clevenger

VP Engineering, Data Enablement at Etsy

Being an Imperfect Leader

Do you ever make decisions that you’re not sure about? Have you ever had to ask for help? Have you ever stopped everything and changed directions? Tried a different strategy? Some might say that you’re executing a little imperfectly. On the other hand, Jenn says to embrace and learn from your experiences, boldly march on, and lean into being unapologetically imperfect. In this talk, Jenn talks earnestly about being a leader and what it means to be unapologetically imperfect. She walks us through three common myths about perfect leadership and shares how being unapologetically imperfect can… read more

Ilknur Eren

Software Engineer

Why blogging is important for Software Engineer Career

I believe blogging and writing articles about what you learn is important to jump start your career into software engineering.
When I write tech articles, I learn more about that particular subject. It slowly becomes a journal that you can refer back. It's a way to show people what you are learning and how much you are growing.
I want to talk about my path and how I got published in tech magazines and what I believe is doing for my career.

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Anna Radulovski

CEO & Founder at WomenTech Network

Welcome to the Women in Tech Global Conference

Welcome to the Women in Tech Global Conference 2023! This full-week virtual event will be packed with inspiring talks, engaging panel discussions, and hands-on workshops dedicated to advancing the female presence in the tech industry. Through this conference, you'll have the opportunity to network with influential women from around the world who are leading the charge for gender equality in tech. Join us and experience a week of learning, empowerment, and collaboration!

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Alexandrea Ramnarine

Senior Data Scientist at Perry Health

Design Thinking

The development of algorithms and AI is intrinsically the formalization of abstract problems. Design is a unique field that bridges the conceptual with the calculated. Understanding the principles of design, including but not limited to sustainability, humanism, and functionality, creates the foundation for ethical and impactful business solutions.

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Laurisha Fant

Web3 Teacher at Black Women Network

Web3 Creates Community

Web3 Creates Community covers how we can all use internet modernization to further our business brands and reach.

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Krithika Kumaragurubaran

Senior DevOps Engineer at ING

Sustain in a Smart Way

A famous saying goes "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children". As the expectations on corporate responsibility increase, companies recognize the need to act on sustainability. In this presentation, I would like to take few examples on the usage of unsustainable resources within our organization which can be reduced or replaced with latest technologies as Smart alternatives that will pave way for sustainability.

Many organizations use plastic (unsustainable material) photo ID cards for authentication and authorization purpose… read more

Sheila Lirio Marcelo

Co-founder/CEO at Proof of Learn (POL)

A Force for Good: Harnessing the Power of Blockchain and Web 3

Sheila Lirio Marcelo is Co-Founder and CEO of Proof of Learn, a Web3 learning platform with a mission to unlock accessible, high-quality education across the world. She will share how she is harnessing her passion from "doing good" on Web 2 and applying that knowledge to Proof of Learn (closing the skills gap within the within the web3 economy by unlocking accessible, high quality education built by industry experts through blockchain and a learn-to-earn protocol). She'll explore why she has been traveling the globe and teaching others how to embrace the good that can come from… read more

Irina Soriano

Vice President of Enablement & Process Excellence at Seismic

Life-Brand: The Unspoken Potential of a Strategic Life-Brand

Almost half of the world’s population owns a smartphone. This tells us one thing: no matter what we say or do, our actions can reach, be shared, and consumed by the world at any point in time.
-Social media posts get viewed, shared, and commented on almost instantly, leading to content going “viral” at an incredible rate. Especially unacceptable and controversial content can quickly lead to creating a mainstream of negative opinions resulting in what is now called “cancel culture”.
-The reality is that a simple comment can destroy a person’s future with the click of a button,… read more

Kate Maxwell

CTO, Worldwide Defense & Intelligence at Microsoft

Creativity Unleashed

Innovation is critical to business growth, and creativity lies at the heart of innovation. What can we do to raise our creativity quotient? This session explores the psychology of creativity and identifies ways in which we can find inspiration for ourselves and for our teams. Participants will learn about the many habits that hold back our creative selves, including fear of judgment, self-doubt, the problem with being too busy, and the many distractions that interrupt the creative thought process. Discussion will include methods for overcoming creative pitfalls and how to actively and… read more

Amanda Darcangelo

Senior Data Consultant at CTI Data

Decreasing Cost and Increasing Stability with 100% Streaming Data

With the proliferation of microservices and exploding usage of edge devices, data streams have quickly gone from an emerging technology to a staple in organizational data solutions. The big players (Google, Microsoft, Amazon and more) have developed out of the box platforms for comprehensive data streaming. Some are open source while other are proprietary, some managed and others self-hosted but all are ramping up technologies quickly to serve this growing need.

Most often, data streams are discussed as a piece of a larger data collection strategy. Data streams focus on high… read more

Sarah Wall

Project Director | Product Lead at Freelance

Emotional Intelligence for Effective Leadership

Leaders set the tone of an organization. Organizations lacking in emotional intelligence (EQ), result in lower employee engagement and a higher turnover rate. Having only technical skills is not enough. If you can’t effectively communicate with your team or collaborate with others, your technical skills will get overlooked.

Emotional intelligence has proven to be a must-have skill. It is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as recognize and influence the emotions of those around you. People with high emotional intelligence are more likely to stay… read more

Ryann Dowdy

Founder/CEO at Uncensored Consulting

The Self Leadership Principles: Lead Yourself First

These core leadership principles are designed to walk you through a self development journey that allows you to become the best version of YOU.

Society and traditional business education teach us the “how to” of being a leader. We’re taught numbers, structure, tactics and strategy to build a business, grow into the C-suite, and be “successful” in our chosen careers.

The self leadership principles are meant to support the “how to” of being a leader - by taking a human centric, self focused approach to who you have to BECOME to excel as a leader.

Did you… read more

Puja Mittal

Chief Business Technologist at JP Morgan

Pushing through the unconscious bias

To beat the unconscious bias, women have to work extra hard to achieve success. Women are great at getting things done but they are judged harshly for the quality of work or ability, as compared to their men counterparts. What can women do to move beyond the unconscious bias and succeed at breaking the glass ceiling?

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Lisa Frusztajer

Investor in Residence at The Capital Network

How Women Can Navigate Roadblocks to Leadership in Tech: Pitfalls and Practical Tips

This session will address how women can become confident, compassionate leaders in male-dominated organizations and industries, recognizing roadblocks and navigating them to lead effectively and authentically.

The answer is more practical than you may think. You'll learn strategies you can apply right away to delegate more effectively, harness Executive Presence and overcome Imposter Syndrome. You'll learn what these terms really mean, along with why these areas present particular challenges for women.

Strategies shared will be based on Lisa's… read more

Michelle Brooks

Chief People & Culture Officer at Security Compass

Driving Culture by Engaging Champions

In this session, we’ll address how to identify and engage Culture Champions within your organization. The focus will be on how to tap into groups that are deeply passionate about engagement, round-out the team for diversity of thought and turning your most challenging employees into your biggest advocates. The session will discuss real examples and give practical steps on how to get started at your organization.

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Daniela Herrera

Award Winning ED&I Professional

Becoming an Intentionally Inclusive Leader

As we all navigate unprecedented levels of trauma, stress, burnout, and never-ending obligations, the ability to show empathy, be compassionate, connect with others meaningfully, and listen to each other are crucial to our personal and professional lives.

I know, it’s not an easy task! Leaders and Managers are going thru the same (or more!) levels of burnout as their teams.

Learning to lead teams with empathy and compassion helps push inclusion efforts forward and empowers your teams to navigate the demands of work and life obligations a bit more successfully… read more

Hilda Mwangi

Chief Financial Officer

Overcoming the Funding Gap: How women in tech can win funding battles

Obtaining funding is crucial for any business, but it can be incredibly challenging for women in the tech industry. According to a National Center for Women & Information Technology study, only 2.7% of venture capital funding goes to women-led startups. This funding gap can be frustrating and demoralizing, but it's important to remember that it's not insurmountable. With the right strategies and mindset, women in tech can overcome this challenge and win the battle for funding.

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Kelly Jura

VP, Brand and User Experience at ScreenPal

Connecting UX and EX is a better experience for everyone

Leveraging user insights, data collection, research, and iterative development through formal feedback loops is common practice when honing your user experience. So, why isn't that the case when building internal structures? These same approaches apply to optimizing team function, the internal brand and working experience. This approach is critical now more than ever, since remote work has reached a tipping point – with the inability to formally address company culture and employee experience as issues arise around the office. By shaping employee experience with thoughtfully designed… read more