Stop looking for work-life balance, aim for work-life integration by Maggie Jandova

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Mastering Work-Life Balance and Work-Life Integration

In today's work-driven society, striking a work-life balance is more crucial than ever. However, the line between work and personal life has been blurred, especially during the pandemic, making this balance increasingly difficult to attain. But what if we took a different approach and embraced the idea of work-life integration instead? In this blog post, we delve into both work-life balance and integration and explore how you can get the best of both.

Understanding Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance has become one of the deciding factors when choosing a job in today's fast-paced world. With the pandemic, work and life have intertwined more than ever before. The idea of dividing our time equally between work and personal life seems like an attractive solution. However, this equilibrium might not be as beneficial as we perceive it.

Work-life balance is often misunderstood as a cure-all solution to all work-related stress. In an attempt to attain this elusive equilibrium, we may end up causing ourselves more stress and guilt if we fail to achieve it. Therefore, understanding what work-life balance means to you and whether it fits your circumstances is vital.

Work-Life Integration: A Different Perspective

Balance is a state in which different elements are equal. Therefore, the idea of balancing work and personal life seems challenging considering that work normally takes up a majority of our day. Consequently, the energy we spend at work will likely drain us, leaving us with little left for our personal life.

What if, instead of trying to balance, we integrate our work and personal life? An example of this is how a friend of mine runs her own business. Instead of estranging work from her personal life, she integrates the two, investing her time and energy into work that she enjoys.

When we view our work as a part of our life that we enjoy, we stop seeing it as a burden that we need to balance.

Balance vs. Integration

  1. Balance is about separating personal life and work life while integration is about discovering how they influence each other.
  2. Balance concentrates on time, dividing it equally between work and things we want to do. Integration revolves around energy, identifying what times of the day our energy levels peak and managing our tasks accordingly.
  3. In balance, everything seems like a priority whereas, in integration, the focus is more specific and we accept the changes that come along the way.

Approaching work-life integration involves self-awareness, identifying our personality traits and interests and how they can be applied to our work. It is also about applying focus, understanding what matters the most to us at any given time and molding our work around it.

Work-life integration is about doing things that you want, not the things that you think you should be doing.


While striking a balance between work and personal life is important, trying to integrate the two might be a better approach. Not only does this remove the pressure to achieve perfect balance, but it also allows us to grow both personally and professionally in a way that suits us best. Just remember, in the end, you must do what works best for you.

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