How to future-proof your career

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Future Proof Your Career in The Disruptive Era

We are living in exciting and challenging times. The way we communicate, consume entertainment, and work has drastically changed. This disruption often leaves people feeling uncertain about the future of their careers. This article focuses on how to future proof your career, ensuring that you continue to make the best use of your talents in these tumultuous times.

Understanding The Disruption

The disruption in the workplace had me question why some individuals adapt well while others struggle. I spent significant time conducting research, interviewing people, and even wrote a book. During this process, I discovered various tricks to future proof one's career, which I'm now eager to share with you.

Decoding The Future Of The Workforce

A valuable source in understanding the future of the workforce is The Future of Jobs Report by the World Economic Forum. The data predicts that by 2025, 85 million jobs will be displaced. But, on the other side of the spectrum, 97 million new jobs will emerge.

While these statistics can seem daunting, they also provide exciting opportunities. New job roles are exciting, typically require complex and unique skills, and lack extensive competition since they are fresh in the market.

Making A Career Leap

Future proofing your career is a journey that requires a careful understanding of your destination and a smart plan for preparation. Three critical questions can guide this journey:

1. What Are The New Roles In My Area Of Interest?

Use phrases like 'future of work, job trends in HR, marketing, big data, sustainability future' to discover new roles in your area of interest. Leverage industry reports, LinkedIn profiles, and networking to discover new career opportunities.

2. Which New Skills Do I Need To Master?

Next, identify what skills you need to develop to fit into your chosen role. Inspect job descriptions, create a gap analysis, and explore online learning platforms for relevant courses. Prioritize skills that directly affect your fit into your chosen role.

3. What Else Can I Offer?

Finally, identify what unique skills and experiences can you offer. Your unique skill combination will make you stand out in the crowd. Establishing a comprehensive profile and sharing content related to your area of expertise attracts recruiters and opportunities.


  1. Identify emerging job roles that align with your interests and career trajectory.
  2. Acquire new skills and experiences that bolster your suitability for these roles.
  3. Make yourself unique and attractive by offering a distinct skill combination and showcasing your thought leadership.

Active career management, continuous learning, and thought leadership will help you future proof your career amidst the ongoing disruption. Don't hesitate to make your move and leverage opportunities that this dynamic workforce offers.

Remember, future proofing your career is not a one-time activity but a continuous journey.

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