Sustain in a Smart Way

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Krithika Kumaragurubaran
Senior DevOps Engineer at ING
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Sustainability in Action: Paving the way for the Future with Smart Alternatives and Innovative Tech Solutions

Hello, I'm Kritika Kumara Kurran, a passionate Senior DevOps Engineer at ING Netherlands.

Sustainability is a collective responsibility for all, regardless of our job titles. It's a practice that should be embraced to foster a better future for generations to come. As a senior IT professional, I see sustainability as more than just a trend – it's a driver for change in how we perceive our environments inside and outside our organizations.

No doubt, technology plays a vital part in redefining sustainability and driving it forward. Let's delve into how we make our organizations more sustainable and the roles we can play to drive this change.

Pillars of a Sustainable Business

A sustainable business model caters to the needs of the current generation without putting future generations' needs at risk. It incorporates social, economic, and environmental considerations in the design and implementation of business practices. With the triple bottom line criteria - people, planet, and profit, sustainable business practices can also create economic value without compromising profitability.

As a leading international organization, ING incorporates sustainability at the heart of its strategies, always considering resilience and environmental impact when making decisions.

Technology as a Driving Force

In today's digital age, technology serves as a significant enabler, helping businesses become smarter and more sustainable. By leveraging technology in our business models, we can bridge the gap, making sustainability more profitable and efficient. Plus, it offers long-term value for both business growth and the planet’s preservation.

Reducing Unsustainable Materials: Plastics and Papers

Plastic and paper constitute a significant portion of global waste. Plastic production requires an enormous amount of energy, causing carbon emissions. On the other hand, paper production contributes to deforestation and requires substantial energy and water resources. These are primary culprits to environmental degradation and should be curtailed.

But, how can we reduce these unsustainable materials in our organizations and replace them with smart, more sustainable technologies?

ING's Successful Initiatives in Replacing Plastics with Smart Alternatives

  1. Microsoft Authenticator - To replace the standard plastic identity cards used for VPN access, we transitioned to using Microsoft Authenticator.
  2. NFC Mobile Payments - In a bid to reduce the use of credit and debit plastic cards for payments, we use NFC mobile payment methodology.
  3. Inside Business Portal - Instead of using plastic cards, we transitioned to a more secure access token method allowing for more secure and versatile access for our banking customers.

Proposed Smart Alternatives for Replacing Paper

For organizational processes that traditionally required paper, I propose leveraging E-signing technology for documents and contracts, which minimize paper use considerably.

Summary: The 4 R's of Organizational Sustainability

In summary, organizations can efficiently drive sustainability by incorporating the following four actions:

  • Reduce the use of unsustainable materials wherever possible.
  • Reuse objects and materials to reduce waste production.
  • Recycle materials to create a circular economy.
  • Replace unsustainable materials with sustainable technologies and smart alternatives.

These actions will contribute significantly to creating a sustainable society. Remember, just like a plant needs sunlight and water to grow, sustainability needs innovative technology to thrive in today’s world.

Thank you to the Women in Tech Network for offering this platform to share my thoughts about organizational sustainability and the imperative role of evolving technologies in this journey.

Let's all stay connected in this journey as every step towards sustainability counts, and every woman in tech is a leader herself. Let’s make a sustainable society together!

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