Game-based-Learning and Gamification in the classroom by Rasha Shalabi

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Rasha Shalabi
Lecturer - Information Systems & Technology
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Hello everyone, my name is Miss Rasha Chalabi and I am a highly experienced trainer, consultant, and lecturer at a prominent educational institution in Kuwait. Today, I will be taking you through the fascinating journey of game-based learning, and gamification in the classroom. This also includes tips and insights on understanding and motivating students for impactful learning and education.

Motivating Students: A Deeper Understanding

Student motivation is often misunderstood but it plays a pivotal role in the learning process. For the uninitiated, motivation refers to the driving force that encourages students to learn, participate, or take action. It is the key to student engagement and retention and plays a critical role in creating a positive and productive learning atmosphere.

Understanding Our Students

In the modern-day, students learn differently due to the advent of technology and the changing environment around them. This makes it extremely crucial for us as educators to understand the thought process of our students to ensure impactful teaching. This shifting learning landscape demands an updated approach to teaching by considering the various backgrounds, age groups, experiences, and majors of our students.

Challenges in Game-based Learning and Education

Every evolution comes with its specific set of challenges and understanding these can help in implementing successful game-based learning solutions. The common challenges of integrating games with education relate to mentality, availability, and implementation.

  1. Mentality: The misconception that learning cannot be fun and thus, games cannot serve as a platform for learning.
  2. Availability: Not sure where to find relevant and educational games that can be integrated into the curriculum.
  3. Implementation: How to effectively use games to teach in the classroom.

Overcoming the Challenges

Changing the mentality about game-based learning is crucial. This can be done via edutainment, a blend of education and entertainment where learning goals are subtly embedded within games. The superior availability of educational games and platforms like Kahoot enhances the scope for game-based learning. Furthermore, methods like augmented reality and virtual reality can seamlessly integrate game and learning into the classroom.

Benefits of Gamification and Game-based Learning

Gamification involves using elements from gaming in a non-gaming context. This includes elements like levels, quests, maps, experience points, achievements, and more to creatively engage students in their learning journey. Gamification can increase a student's drive to learn by creating a fun, interactive and competitive environment.

Game-based learning involves a more direct approach where learners acquire knowledge while playing an actual game. Games such as Minecraft's Education Edition and Angry Birds provide a clear example of game-based learning.

Both gamification and game-based learning can effectively build valuable skills including problem-solving, negotiation, analysis, and networking amongst students.


To conclude, gaming in education can serve as an effective tool for driving student engagement and enhancing the learning experience. With a clear understanding of our students and the right implementation techniques, we can overcome the challenges commonly associated with game-based learning and education.

Your valuable feedback is much appreciated, and all opinions or suggestions regarding these workshops are welcome. For any queries or further assistance, kindly reach out using the provided contact information. Keep gaming and keep learning!

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