Enzyme is an important tech skill in the development community, specifically designed for testing JavaScript code. It is a JavaScript Testing utility developed by Airbnb that runs on platforms like Node.js and allows you to manipulate and traverse your ReactJS components' output. Enzyme aids in the assertion, manipulation, and traversing of components' output to make your React components more strong and reliable.

Designed to test React component trees, Enzyme's flexible and intuitive APIs mimic jQuery's API for DOM manipulation and traversal, making it easy for developers to test cases. With Enzyme, you can directly test just your component without dealing with the complexities of child components, directly emulate lifecycle methods, or directly set and change state of your components. Moreover, it provides options like shallow rendering for testing components in isolation or full rendering for testing components' interactions with lifecycle methods or child components.

Having a solid understanding of Enzyme will be advantageous for hundreds of job roles, including Front-end Developer, React Developer, JavaScript Developer, and Quality Assurance Engineer.

Enzyme is not a stand-alone skill but rather a specialized tool that demands a solid foundation in other technical skills. For those looking to learn or master Enzyme, it is crucial to have a strong grasp of JavaScript, especially ES6 syntax. Familiarity with Node.js is also vital as it is required to run Enzyme. Candidates who wish to learn Enzyme should also have a base understanding of ReactJS as Enzyme is inherently a testing tool tailored towards React-based applications. In addition, having experience with other testing libraries, such as Jest or Mocha, will make learning Enzyme much smoother. Lastly, familiarity with testing concepts and tools such as assertion libraries or understanding unit and integration testing concepts can help in efficiently using Enzyme for JavaScript testing.

Employers looking for candidates proficient in Enzyme are usually those who have their applications developed using React. These employers value quality, reliability, and robustness of the software and prioritize proactive error tracking and efficient application debugging in their development processes, making Enzyme a key required skill.